Turn it on! Oxy publications upgrade the experience of audio books and lead the way once again May 23, 2022 – Posted in: Books, Brainfood Media Network – Tags:

We don't need to tell you much about the wonderful edition of Edgar Allan Poe's book-jewel "Macabre Stories" published by Oxy because we know that it has already stolen your heart in the few months it has been out with the text, the amazing illustrations and the accompanying essay by Charles Baudelaire. What's made even better and more enticing than an aesthetically unsurpassed version, and wouldn't you know it, is that your enjoyment is upgraded to an unprecedented audio experience. Oxy publications once again dare something impressive and groundbreaking by proceeding to create audio books. The production was done at studio praxis and the narration by Elena Zahopoulou.

Easily, quickly, you can listen whenever and wherever you want and enjoy high classical literature whose audio performance conveys the whole atmosphere of the text and helps you immerse yourself in the stories and become one with the heroes... Whether you are doing your exercise or stuck in traffic, whether you're waiting for your turn at the doctor's appointment or a public service, or you just want to take a relaxing break and rest your eyes from endless hours on the computer or screen, this particular audio book  they will be the best company.

The benefits of audio books

Audiobooks have found their way into the hearts of many book lovers and their popularity is constantly increasing. And it makes perfect sense! There are many recognized advantages of audiobooks that make them suitable for many situations. For example, you can listen to audiobooks while driving, cleaning, walking, etc. and save enough time.

Here are some of the key benefits of listening to audiobooks:

Improves pronunciation and fluency

Listening to audiobooks improves reading and speaking accuracy and fluency. While the narrator is narrating the book, you can observe and learn how he pronounces different words.

It helps improve time management

One of the most notable advantages of audiobooks is that you can save a lot of time multitasking. You can continue listening to your audiobook if other tasks do not require much attention.

Many people enjoy listening to audiobooks at the gym, while going for a walk, or while going about other daily activities, whether it's driving, cooking, cleaning, or even while taking a bath.

Develops critical listening skills

Critical listening involves analysis, critical thinking and judgment. Listening to audiobooks is a great way to develop your critical listening skills. Analyzing different situations in the plot of the story and trying to make certain judgments based on your analysis helps you improve these skills.

Improves focus and attention

When listening to an audiobook, you have to pay attention to what the narrator is trying to convey to you. And you should maintain that attention throughout the narrative. It's very easy to get lost once you get distracted while listening to audiobooks. And unlike reading books, you'll have a hard time going back and listening to it again. Therefore, it is important to stay focused and not allow yourself to be distracted.

Improves memory

There are several things to remember while listening to an audiobook. Name of characters and their characteristics, name of places, plots and subplots, order of events, important conversations, etc. are some of the key pieces of information to keep in mind when listening to fiction.

Your ability to retain this information continually improves with the number of audiobooks you listen to. And as your brain learns to remember information from history, it also gets better at remembering other things in your life. And when the book you are listening to is as exciting as "The Macabre Stories" then you are definitely sharpening your attention and memory while having a great time!

It builds critical thinking and improves comprehension skills

When listening to an audiobook, a lot of information is processed in our brain at the same time. It opens up many different perspectives for your brain to grasp.

If you are listening to a book mystery or anxiety, your brain is constantly trying to predict certain outcomes and events. It must also relate one event to another to make sense of the story. All these, in turn, sharpen your mind and strengthen your critical and analytical thinking skills.

You enjoy an interesting and vivid history experience

The personality of the narrator(s) can really enhance the flow and feel of the story. They help us create mental pictures of situations and characters and also help us better understand the emotions of the plot.

The narrators are very enthusiastic and bring the story to life with vocal inflections, humor, mystery and varied rhythms. And all this makes the story an interesting, lively and entertaining experience for the listeners!

Audiobooks are very beneficial for visually impaired people

Audiobooks are a boon for people with visual impairments and other reading disorders like dyslexia, hyperlexia, etc. In recent years, audiobooks have contributed immensely to the development of literacy among the differently-abled.

It helps develop empathy

Another major benefit of audiobooks is that they help you become more empathetic. Being empathic means being able to understand and share the impulses of others.

Audiobook narrators help you connect with the story's characters and plot. You become part of the book and feel what the characters are supposed to feel. The vivid narration by the narrator makes you understand the pain and grievances of the characters.

It strengthens our mental health

Listening to good audiobooks can boost our mental health. Just like reading books, listening to audiobooks can also reduce stress and calm our mind.

Many people listen to relaxing audiobooks before going to bed. This helps them fall asleep and also improves the quality of sleep. Which again is a huge factor in improving and maintaining our mental health.

"Macabre stories" are the ideal way to be introduced to the magic of audio books. Produced by Studio Praxis and narrated by Elena Zahopoulou.