

Manuel Soch




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Product ID: 1728 ISBN: 978-960-436-306-3

The Autobiography of a Modern Mystic

At the beginning of his life, Manuel Soch lived in the most adverse conditions: he grew up, as an unwanted child, in an orphanage, under the abuse of nuns. The gift of insight helped him overcome his terrifying childhood.
Since then, he lived between two worlds.
At the age of six, he was adopted by a wealthy family of doctors. The founder of "Time Therapy", when he learned how to use his gifts for the benefit of other people, understood what was the true meaning of his destiny.

A touching human story full of pleasant changes, a life lesson that shows us step by step what is the essence of our existence: the gifts of the heart.

Manuel Soch left us on October 10, 2008. Fortunately, he had time to write his autobiography himself:
I am neither Walter Müller nor Manuel Schoch. I am human and I was born under the most adverse circumstances. However, beautiful events showed me then and many times later in my life, that I am not what I first seemed. My essence, that which constitutes my inner core, exists beyond my apparent form. This core is also what concerns me in its completely inauthentic purity. This is what my book is about. When I tell the story of Walter Müller or Manuel Schoch, I want to reveal this core, using my life story, just as an example. I use the exception to illuminate that which is common to all men and yet we are not at all familiar with it. All mystics and sages, men and women, have spoken of this. They called it "God", or "enlightenment" or "Supreme Being". The majority of people believe that it is about the ecstatic experience of a select few. I challenge this widespread prejudice and simply say: I am a human being. Nothing more and at the same time nothing less. Just like you, I have to die every day, and like you, I have to be born again every day. Like a human being. I can't think of anything more beautiful.












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