WORLD TRAVEL-Venezuela – Trinidad

George Karampelas




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Product ID: 1686 ISBN: 978-960-436-222-6

Oxy publications present the new book in the series Travel the World by George Karambelas VENEZUELA, TRINIDAD & TOBAGO A traveler of the world for decades, George Karambelas invites us to travel with him to the distant countries of the planet. The series "Traveling the World" started a few months ago with the first stop in Nepal and continues in the also distant Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago. George Karambela's vision is reflected in a series of travel guides completely different from others! "I dreamed of her since I was a child. Who wouldn't want to be in an exotic country with three thousand kilometers of Atlantic and Caribbean coastline, the third largest river in Latin America, the highest waterfall, as well as the highest cable car in the world? With the ecological paradises of the coral islands of Los Roques and the vast Orinoco Delta, the mysterious trapezoid mountains of tepuis, the majestic Andes, the centuries-old fraylehons in the unfathomable paamos, Venezuela, identified with feminine beauty, always wants as a love magnet the discerning traveler with her incomparable charm. Santo Angel appeared majestic and imposing, a true god. The earth is shaken by the gigantic forces of the waters, the atmosphere pulsates electrified with unimaginable energy while gentle clouds of droplets shining like gold dust constantly emerge from the towering waterfall dancing playfully. The breath is taken away by the power, the eyes tear with awe and the soul, happy as never before, tastes the sweet fruits of the search and the effort, surrendered to a long-lasting shocking spiritual orgasm."
VENEZUELA by Giorgos Karambela is the second book in the series of travel literature TRAVEL TO THE WORLD by oxy publications.









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