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Matthew Collin




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Product ID: 1398 ISBN: 960-8068-02-9

There is an important part of modern pop culture and its social extension that has yet to be recorded. Most people don't even know it... An entire generation, who in a few years will be in power or at the end of things, has adopted a sound, and through it a behavior and a culture, that remain on the sidelines because people are afraid to look the future in the face. If the music-social revolution of the 60s took 40 years to become a regime, we will have to reach 2020 for the same to happen with the revolution of the so-called chemical generation. So, until society and its historians take an interest in what has been happening in the last 10-15 years in the social fabric of young people, there are the unofficial "historians", those who experienced the events and wanted to record them. Matthew Collin is one of them. An empirical "historian" who manages to describe and record in a shocking way the path of the newest - still being formed - culture. Electronic sounds, ecstasy, acid house, desperate but also happy young people, sweat and jumping, gangs and crimes, are the ingredients not only of an exciting novel but also of reality itself which often now surpasses imagination. Not without reason, the book Altered State is already considered one of the most important "history" books of the modern era and is on the best lists of most magazines. It uniquely documents the birth of a culture that swept Britain and influenced the behavior of many people around the world. Parallel Reality is a fascinating book about an important case that is just beginning.


Altered State







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